Optimizing The Gut Microbiome

Root Cause Healing

At Holistic Healing Consulting, we work with clients virtually one-on-one to help identify the root cause of dis-ease. We utilize comprehensive functional medicine testing that is above the standard of care so we can help you heal your gut and ditch those unwanted symptoms once and for all. No more band-aids! By taking this crucial step and identifying the root cause of your ailments, we can implement the proper lifestyle modifications and nutritional foundation, address root cause head-on, heal your body from within, and achieve true wellness that will last a lifetime.

Meet Emily, Founder & Lead Consultant


My name is Emily Burger. I am a wife and mother of four! I have dedicated the past 11 years of my life as a Dermatology PA treating a multitude of chronic conditions like acne, rosacea, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, eczema, hair loss, and autoimmune skin disease. What I have learned on my journey as a PA in the conventional medicine model is that we are failing our patients on a daily basis. 

The current healthcare system is a vicious cycle of diagnose and prescribe, and nobody is really looking for the WHY. Instead, it is just reaching for that temporary band-aid to manage/mask symptoms rather than finding and addressing the root cause.  I see on a daily basis the frustration and hopelessness people have with their chronic symptoms that aren't getting better with the western medicine approach. 

This inspired me to start my virtual consulting practice! In this role, I serve clients as a functional medicine health consultant. When you sign on to be one of our clients, it is like having a private practitioner holding your hand and guiding you every step of the way on your wellness journey! 

I believe that true health begins in the gut, and I am passionate about starting where it all begins and helping you achieve true wellness that will last a lifetime. One thing that I can guarantee our private clients: you will feel seen, validated, and empowered to take control of your health. Most importantly, you will regain HOPE.

Meet Amanda, Nervous System Coach

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Hey there! I’m Amanda Morris, founder of Balanced Body Yoga, Health & Wellness. I am a holistic wellness educator with a focus on the nervous system and the gut-brain connection. I began my journey in the health and wellness field with yoga instructor training in 2005. In college I focused on psychology, earning a Bachelor's Degree in Child and Family Studies and a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Prior to 2020, I worked in the corporate clinical setting of mental health and addiction treatment in various agencies for 10 years. The gaps in the conventional setting were profound. In 2020, I knew it was time to branch out into a holistic model of care to help bridge those gaps. I now use my training, experience, and passion of mindful health practices for improved body/mind awareness and stress relief.

My private studio space is located in Petal, MS where I spend my time raising two precious girls with my husband of 13 years, teaching yoga classes, hosting events, and facilitating virtual health and wellness programs.

I joined Emily's team in 2022 as her passion for root cause healing truly aligned with the way I wanted to show up every day and serve others. It is such an honor to be on her team and my privilege to help you heal!

Meet Hannah, Certified Functional Nutrition Health Coach

Hi, I'm Hannah! I passionately believe in helping people find healing by getting to the root cause rather than treating the symptoms. In college I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science with a minor in Health Promotion and Fitness from Houghton University, with the plan of pursuing a career in conventional medicine.

After dealing with various personal chronic GI issues and hormone imbalances, finding little to no help from western medicine, I found myself on a path of seeking help from functional medicine. This is where I learned about treating the root cause and eventually found healing through diet and lifestyle modifications. This inspired me to pursue a career helping others who are experiencing similar problems as the ones I faced! 

I believe the food that we eat can and should be used as medicine! I am passionate about helping clients learn how to do this all while still enjoying the meals they create. 

Joining Emily's team felt like a perfect fit, as her dedication to root cause healing through treating the gut resonated with my own passion for serving others. It’s a great pleasure to be part of her team, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to support you on your healing journey!

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.

~Margaret Mead

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